Screeners and Assessments

The dePaul School offers free, informal reading assessments that provide information about:

  • Your child’s current reading levels (percentile rank and grade equivalents)
  • Skills in reading that your child has mastered and skills that need to be taught
  • Information on your child’s reading strengths and challenges

To schedule an assessment, email

Please note: We are not psychologists and cannot administer diagnostic testing. If you suspect your child has dyslexia, another learning disability, or attention deficits, please seek an evaluation from a psychologist or certified evaluator.

Click the link below for a list of providers who offer diagnostic, psychoeducational, and/or neuropsychological testing.

Diagnostic Testing Provider List 2024

Neuropsychological vs Psychoeducational Testing

What is the difference?

A neuropsychological evaluation is more in-depth. It covers the following areas: language, visual-perceptual abilities, information processing, attention/executive functioning, learning and memory, sensory functioning, and psycho-emotional functioning. In our area, the cost of this type of evaluation is about $3,000.

A psychoeducational evaluation measures cognitive functioning (IQ) and academic achievement. In our area, the cost of this type of evaluation starts around $900 to obtain privately and is the type of test given for free during the special education evaluation process in public schools.

Which one is best for your child? Click here to learn more.